

Stalked by the Stork...a diary of raising twelve kids

Having twelve children is an amazing blessing and one heck of a crazy ride. Join us through all the joys, smiles, tribulations and trials as we navigate this fabulous journey!

Friday, January 21, 2011

Milk Is Flowing and Other Random Reflections

...with abundance. I did indeed, get a prescription for Reglan, from Tammy, the world's most amazing and awesome midwife. Within two doses of taking it, I had plenty of milk. Plenty for Mia. Plenty of milk for Bree. Since my milk has received such a boost, I have only had to supplement with formula far zero side effects.
In other news, we still haven't taken Mia for her X-ray of her skull. We're planning to go on Tuesday.
We still a nasty virus going throughout the house. Yesterday we were sure everyone was better (and it was a snow day) but this morning, Alexandria woke up hot again and Sydney also didn't feel well.
This is the second week of school in the current quarter. So far, it's the most interesting class I've ever taken. Ever. It's criminal profiling, and I've never in my life been excited to do homework! This may be the first textbook I've actually read! I'd say just joking but I'm not. In fact, sometimes I take whole courses without ever even ordering the textbook. Probably shouldn't admit that. But these two books, for this class, are totally worth the money and the time spent reading. Which brings me to another point. I know I haven't been updating the blog as often or as in depth as I normally do. Here's the thing. My class takes up a fair amount of time, and my children lately, have been taking up an even greater amount of time, and I like that. I've been spending lots of time just cuddling, reading and playing (and I'm not the best at the playing part...) I've also been organizing our home a little bit, in preparation for Miss Mia's first birthday party, when we will have lots of out of town company. I have redone Mia's "nursery." Those of you know have been to our house, know why the word nursery is in quotes. For those of you who haven't, I'll tell you. Mia's nursery is my closet. I know it sounds appalling to think of a baby sleeping in a closet, but let me explain. This closet is huge and at least the size, at least, of a small bedroom. Mia's crib fits easily, along with her dresser and even the other girls' dresser. I promise, it's plenty big and plenty safe for a nursery. It's even climate controlled. Having her there means she has her own space where she won't be picked at or prodded by older toddlers and the best part is, it keeps her close to me. I've spent the last couple days packing up big boxes of her newborn, 0-3, and 3-6 month outfits and pre-arranging summer clothes for next season. Actually, I've been doing this for all the girls, which is a bit time consuming but should make the big' semi-annual cold weather/warm weather clothing swap out more manageable. I've also been in the throes of mount washmore and am proud to say, I've come pretty darn close to tackling it! With lots of help from my hubby.
On a final note, Brandon (who is at home convalescing from an eye injury caused by an air soft war between him and his Dad) taught Mia to say "BIG SHOW!" as in the wrestling move. She even mimics the voice inflection. I'd say it's cute, but really it's a bit redneck. I'm going to write it in her baby book!
That's all the news from here. Until later on.....


Mackey said...

Glad your milk supply has increased!!!! my baby is 2 weeks old and I think of you every time I pump my this ridiculous amount of milk out AFTER she feeds. I think of you and say a prayer that you supply will increase. Have a great weekend. Enjoy your class.

Angela & Albert Fontenot said...

Thanks Mackey!!!! I soooo appreciate your prayers! They seem to be working!!!!

Anonymous said...

Family and school should come first! Funny thing...we live in a parsonage (the house a church provides for a pastor). The former family had...11 kids, I think. Several of them had "closet nurseries"...and they aren't as big as a bedroom! Trust me...I'm looking at one of them right now. But it worked for them! So you didn't really need to explain.
Continuing to lift up prayers.
Matthew 11:28-30 Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.
Prayer Bears
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