

Stalked by the Stork...a diary of raising twelve kids

Having twelve children is an amazing blessing and one heck of a crazy ride. Join us through all the joys, smiles, tribulations and trials as we navigate this fabulous journey!

Friday, June 25, 2010


Still here in Tennessee and having a blast with my mom and sisters. My mom is going camping today for the weekend. My sisters and I will have to fend for ourselves! Who's going to cook for us? The babies are having a ball with each other and their cousins. They play together during the day, then in the evenings, I lay them down to bed in the guest room and it's grown-up time! My newest nephew is four weeks old today and Mia is ten weeks today as well! They are adorable next to each other, though usually one of them is crying! Usually Mia.
I've been able to visit with some friends, and hopefully will see more soon! A couple of evenings ago we were able to visit with Tammy and Amy White, sisters who we used to see quite often, back when I lived in Knoxville, before I was married. Now Amy is married with two boys of her own, Tammy has a son and a daughter, and its just wild to see how everyone's life has progressed. They came over to hang out and it was as if no time had passed, except that little ones had been added. It was so great to see them again and hang out and relive old times and talk about new things! I think we'd calculated that it'd been probably 14 years since we'd seen them last. We'll definatley never let it be that long between visits again! And it was all thanks to facebook that we'd reconnected again!
Another good friend, also named Tammy, is going to drop by later today for a visit! I'm super excited to see her. She hasn't seen a lot of my little five and I'm eager for her to get to know them! Plus, she can meet Mia! I was hoping to see her little boy as well, but I think he may have already gone to his Dad's...and then more dear friends will hopefully be able to visit this weekend. I want to ask them to be Mia's Godmothers.
So its been a really nice, relaxing visit. I miss my boys though.
Back at home, the older kids have been able to spend time with thier auntie and cousins on the other side of the family (Albert's sister and her sons) and they have another Auntie arriving in town this weekend. So the week has turned out nice for everybody. Albert is eager for me to come home, and I'm eager to see him as well. Not much longer...Tuesday is around the corner.

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