

Stalked by the Stork...a diary of raising twelve kids

Having twelve children is an amazing blessing and one heck of a crazy ride. Join us through all the joys, smiles, tribulations and trials as we navigate this fabulous journey!

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Surgery rescheduled

So surgery will be postponed until September 3rd. Brandon started running a fever last night and so they don't want to do surgery when he is already sick. So, bummer but definately for the best. I had been looking very forward to getting it done before school started so he didin't have to be absent but oh well...looks like he'll have to be out a couple days.
Not much getting done today, Brandon is taking up most of my time! I'll update when I can...


Anonymous said...

You know I'm praying hard for my special little man! Hope he's better soon!!!!!!!!

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