

Stalked by the Stork...a diary of raising twelve kids

Having twelve children is an amazing blessing and one heck of a crazy ride. Join us through all the joys, smiles, tribulations and trials as we navigate this fabulous journey!

Saturday, July 11, 2009

The Best Day in the World

Yesterday we took our babies to the zoo. It was our last day with just the four youngest children, as I write this Albert is picking up Jackson and Emanuel from the airport. They are returning from Denver. Drew, Brandon and Brice are visiting my Mom and sister in Knoxville. Thus for four or five days, we had ONLY FOUR KIDS! Can you even belive that??? FOUR KIDS! It felt amazingly simple,easy and slow paced. We did our best to make it fun for them. Throughout the week we took them our for ice cream, shopping, on long drives around town. One night, we took them out late at night for half price appetizers at Applebees (my favorite place). On the evenings they got to bed on time, Albert and I enjoyed each other's company in the quiet, as we don't often get to. It was amazing.
Yesterday was the culmination of an amazing week. We took the babies to the zoo and had the best time ever. It seemed so strange that all our children fit nicely into the stroller. We visited the children's zoo, rode the train throughout the zoo. We rode the carosel, and attended the Friday night concert which was "Ticket to the Beatles" a wonderful band who played Beatles songs (perfect for me!) Alexandria danced, Isaiah tried to work up the courage to dance and Sydney was Sydney the whole time. There was an interesting woman, an old lady really who was dressed as a Ballerina. She was boogeying down like no other. Folks were gathering around laughing and taking pictures of her. It was really funny, but I had to admire her spirit and ability to enjoy life, regardless of what anyone else thought. And oh, what a spectacle she was. We capped off our night with a trip to Hooters. Yum Yum. So good. This morning I dinned on the leftovers. Hope Bree likes the taste of Buffalo wings!
I'm working on a smilebox which can show more of our pics and videos but it seems to be taking too long to upload right now. So here are a few pics to tide you over until I get the rest uploaded.
Alas, two more children return today. I can't wait to see them. I've missed them so much. I'm making chicken taco's for them tonight, per their request. We are thankful to God that they arrived safely and had a great trip. We are thankful to Uncle Ron and Aunt Pat that they had such a fabulous, memory filled trip! I can't wait to gather them up and smother them with kisses!


Anonymous said...

That must have been a great day!
So jealous....

Anonymous said...

Glad you were able to have such a good time with "just" the 4 kids! But know you miss those who were gone...

Terri said...

Sounds so funny that you can say "only four children"! Isn't it nice when you can spend time with a smaller group.

BTW..loving that stroller!

16 blessings'mom said...

I know what you mean ...we have several kids out of town, and out of the country right now, so we have only seven younger ones home...(plus the third youngest, who is 20) seems so easy, in a way! With no older ones around, all of the sudden, all of my ideas are good ones! No sulking when I want to take them to the playground! No one saying, "Do I have to go?"...(but I also miss the older ones like crazy!) .I also love your quad stroller, what fun, and what beautiful babies!

BoufMom9 said...

Oh Ang! I know EXACTLY what you mean, when you said "just 4 kids". Any time i ever go somewhere and only take some of the kids, it just is amazing how simple it is. LOL

LOVE all of the gorgeous pics of all of your babies!

Glad everyone arrived home safely :)

L I S A said...

Angela - you're so beautiful (and I mean it in a hot way!) I loved reading about your special day and laughed at how you only had '4 kids'. I only have 4 kids now, and it's kicking my butt!

Miss you

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