

Stalked by the Stork...a diary of raising twelve kids

Having twelve children is an amazing blessing and one heck of a crazy ride. Join us through all the joys, smiles, tribulations and trials as we navigate this fabulous journey!

Friday, June 26, 2009

Off to Denver!

Two of our little ones flew off to Denver today! Emanuel and Jackson have gone to visit Uncle Ron and Aunt Pat (Albert's Aunt and Uncle) for two whole weeks! The boys are so excited they could hardly stand it! They are going to have an absolute blast! Albert said that when he was younger he used to spend weeks with his Uncle Ron and Aunt Pat and he cherishes those memories as some of the best of his childhood. I am going to miss them terribly but I know that its a great experience for them. They just barely made their flight, as Albert was running a bit behind this morning, but they have arrived safely and all is well. The rest of us will soon be traveling to Knoxville to bring our nephew Preston back home as well as to leave Drew there for a visit with my Mom and sisters. The kids are having tons of summer fun! We have used our pool pass several times a week and the kids have developed fabulous tans.
Just last week, on the day before Father's Day we drove up to Indiana to the EXOTIC FELINE RESCUE CENTER. We'd seen it on Animal Planet and decided that since it wasn't too far away (about 3 hours) that we'd jump in the big van the next day and head up there. It was well worth the drive and the cost ($10 for adults and $5 for kids) I'll post more about that later.
For now, I'm missing my two Denver boys already but know that they are going to LOVE it there.
Internet access has been coming and going here lately which is why we haven't updated as often. Stay tuned, we'll post as often as we can!


BoufMom9 said...

OMGosh! Did they fly alone??? (you are a brave mama)

I am seriously missing you, mama. Call my cell when you get a chance. SO SO SO much to tell you!

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