

Stalked by the Stork...a diary of raising twelve kids

Having twelve children is an amazing blessing and one heck of a crazy ride. Join us through all the joys, smiles, tribulations and trials as we navigate this fabulous journey!

Saturday, June 27, 2009

My Sister's Keeper

Last night Albert and I went out to see "My Sister's Keeper." I must say, Albert had REALLY not wanted to see it because its a chick flick and he would have much rather seen "Transformers" that was playing in the next theater. But, alas, he loves his wife and I so rarely want to see a movie (I detest having to sit quietly upright in a chair for two hours) that he put on a happy face and took me. He settled back in his seat with a bag of popcorn and I had to remind him gently that I expected him to stay awake and not sleep. To his suprise, the movie was quite good and he LOVED it. Yea me!
I enjoyed the movie as well although it wasn't very true to the book at all towards the end. I won't spoil it for anyone, you'll have to see it for yourself. It was a good movie and worth seeing, but as with most books to movies- the book is wayyyy better.
I was keenly interested in how the movie would portray the mother and her decision to have a child who could be an HLA tissue match (and more) for her sick child. I felt the movie was fair to the mother's point of view. I'm sure it was also fair to her daughters' points of view as well as the points of view of other family members, but all I could understand was the Mom's. The mother made perfect sense to me and to Albert. We were both emotional at the end and when we got home, our baby Brandon was sleeping snugly on the couch. I covered him up and planted a longgggg kiss on his cheek. And thanked God that he is healthy and strong and vibrant and alive.Albert adn I talked about how we are coming up on the three year mark of remission! Amazingly, he officially was pronounced in remission the day our twins were born, just as I went into labor! So the twins' birthday is always significant and special to us in more ways than one. Almost three years. At five years we will dare say we've kicked Brandon's disease in the ass, for good but we are too nervous to say it aloud yet! So when we got home, we kissed our baby, and tucked him in. And marked our calander for our next attempt to set about creating his match (by natural means, later in the year).


BoufMom9 said...

Oh Ang.
This must've been such an emotional night for you both.
I am so moved by this post and am all teary after reading your words.
He WILL remain in remission. I truly think God wanted you to have these beautiful children and that is why Brandon got sick. Amazing how He works!

ps I guess I better get my butt in gear or you'll be passing by me, huh?

Anonymous said...

No way I could ever watch that movie...wouldn't be able to see it anyway through the tears...

Ora said...

Kira wants to see the movie but I think that we, or atleast she, will read the book first...a date nite for you and Albert- yeah for you! Hope that you are having a great trip!

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