

Stalked by the Stork...a diary of raising twelve kids

Having twelve children is an amazing blessing and one heck of a crazy ride. Join us through all the joys, smiles, tribulations and trials as we navigate this fabulous journey!

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Update...back at clinic

We are back at clinic again today. Brandon is still having high fevers and feeling really sick. We brought him back to clinic mostly to make sure his platelets were still hanging in there despite the fevers.. and they are! Only a slight drop since Monday...not bad considering.
However, the not so great news is that his CRP (a type of count that measures the body's level of infection and inflamatory process) is way elevated at 15 with normal being less than 0.5
so it's pretty clear that he's got something. Dr. Bob is putting him on IV Rocephin for 5 days or until/unless something grows in his culture that changes the treatment protocol. He is awake a little bit more today and is watching ESPN in his treatment room.
Out here in the activity room of clinic, we just saw a little boy celebrate his "End of Chemo" treatment. It was such a heartwarming thing to see...this little boy has been undergoing chemo to treat his cancer for over two years. As of today, he is done. There was cake, presents and singing and each of us going around the room saying something encouraging/congratulatory to him. So wonderful! I thought of Tuesday. I couldn't help it. I had so wanted her to acheive this same milestone. But waching this little boy and his Mom and Dad celebrate their son's wellness brought a smile to my face. And then, as I carried my plate of half eaten cake to the garbage, I saw something in the corner of the clinic playroom. It was a white wicker I've never seen before in all our years of attending clinic. I looked in the basket. Dress-up clothes. Dress up clothes for little girls. More specifically, a basket full....of tutu's. I can't help but smile.


Terri said...

So sorry you have found your self back at the clinic. I hope Brandon is feeling better soon!

I am so glad you were able to attend that little boys "end of cancer" celebration! I think we all need to witness a miracle like that! And the basket of TuTu! I love that there are little signs of her everywhere!

Sharlene said...

i am sorry you are back at clinic. Hopefully those iv meds do the trick.

BoufMom9 said...

Oh no! No wonder you didn't answer today when i called. Poor Brandon.
Saying prayers that he feels better soon and that he continues to keep his numbers "normal".

What an amazing thing to witness a child finish chemo. What a blessing for that family.
And, what an awesome sign! I am telling you, Tuesday will be known everywhere :)

Shannon said...

Ang - Saying prayers!!!- Call me when you can.

The Eadle Family said...

Sorry your back at the clinic, and I hope he feels better soon! At least his platelets are still up! Praying the IV meds work!

Your post left me in tears. I so wish we could have all gathered to an end of chemo party for Tuesday. I am glad you got to celebrate with them, and you found the basket of tutu's! So heartwarming!

Anonymous said...

So how's he doing today?!
Stopping by to let you know I'm still here praying!
Psalms 69:13 But as for me, my prayer is unto thee, O LORD, in an acceptable time: O God, in the multitude of thy mercy hear me, in the truth of thy salvation.
Prayer Bears
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