

Stalked by the Stork...a diary of raising twelve kids

Having twelve children is an amazing blessing and one heck of a crazy ride. Join us through all the joys, smiles, tribulations and trials as we navigate this fabulous journey!

Friday, February 20, 2009

Jackson's Birthday!

Jackson turned 7 yesterday! We went to Red Robin last night to eat dinner (yes, the whole two cars). Jack was soooo happy. He got to order off the adult menu...which was funny because he wasted a collossal amount of food, but hey- it's his birthday. We all had a blast...babies behaved themselves, except for Sydney. Bree slept through the whole thing. I had fed her just before loading up the van...the twins were both excellent. Ahhh...Sydney. She decided she would ONLY eat french fries. She threw her chicken on the floor. We thought perhaps she didn't like it so we switched her to pizza....that also hit the floor. When we told her "No....Stop" she began chucking her previously accepted french fries on the floor. We took them away from her. She had no more food in front of her. She spit the chewed up fries from her mouth across the room. The almost hit some lady at a nearby table. She then looked at Albert and I and kept telling us "Stop...Stop...Stop..."

We took pictures, that I will post soon. On the way home, we stopped for cupcakes and then at home Jackson opened a couple of his presents. We are planning to take him and his little friend (and his brothers and sisters of course) to Chuck E. Cheese on Sunday. And today I am planning on delivering pizza or cupcakes to his class (since I dropped the ball on it yesterday).

Brandon is finally on the upswing! Not sure if it was just a virus that finally ran its course or a bacterial infection (that Rocephin seemed to really kick butt) He was feeling better within 18 hours of his Rocephin. He went out to dinner with us last night and while still not 100% he was TONS better. His fevers have gone down to between 100 and 101 WITHOUT Tylenol. So hopefully a couple more days and he'll be okay again.

Looking forward to a nice weekend...hopefully no more sickies!


The Rhoderick Family said...

Yeah for Brandon and Jackson! 7 Years old wow!!! Sounds like you all had an adventure at Red Robin! Memories were made.

The Romero-Schroeder said...


Great to hear that Barndon is feeling better

Sharlene said...

I love thinking about all of you at Red Robin. What a crack up. Happy birthday Jackson!

So happy to know Brandon is doing much better. what a relief!

BoufMom9 said...

Happy 7th Birthday Jackson! WOW! It seems like just yeasterday that he was a "baby"!!!!

So glad to hear that Brandon is on the upswing! Thank God!

BoufMom9 said...

ps Does this mean that Sydney is going to gice brice a run for the money? LOL

Anonymous said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY, JACKSON! Sounds like you had a wonderful day!
Glad Brandon's better!!!!!!!! Give my little buddy a hug for me!

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