

Stalked by the Stork...a diary of raising twelve kids

Having twelve children is an amazing blessing and one heck of a crazy ride. Join us through all the joys, smiles, tribulations and trials as we navigate this fabulous journey!

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Placement testing and random photos of the past two weeks

For the past two days, my internet time has been severly diminished. Drew's assessment testing has begun for the new online homeschool we are starting and boy is it a lot of testing! The poor kid did literally hundreds of math problems between yesterday evening and today. This afternoon, he worked for 5 hours straight. We had gotten a third of the way through the language arts portion and Albert finally told him to just take a break for the rest of the night and he could finish tomorrow at the library. It was really in depth. The math was difficult for him, although he was doing quite well on the Literature portions.

Anyhow, for the next couple of days, I won't be around much due to placement testing so I thought I'd leave you with a few random pictures.

The First is of Brice and our puppy Zoe. Such good friends. Well, actually, not so much. Like most other animals (and small children) Zoe is not really all that fond of Brice. But she is nice enough to tolerate his great affection for her...


The next few are of Bree, who is getting so big I can hardly beleive it. Her newborn stage flew by just like her pregnancy flew by! There are some of her that I can't figure out how to turn the right way so that they can be seen better. There are a couple of me holding her and one of Brandon holding her.

The last one is of Sydney who had been caught red handed messing up the blinds....again. And yes Nana. And Grandad. We have replaced the messed up blind. Again.


Anonymous said...

That's a PUPPY?! Oh my!
Hope all the testing goes well!

BoufMom9 said...

WOW! Sounds like you are a busy mama with homeschooling.
Good luck to drew and his placements.
Missing you Ang!

The Romero-Schroeder said...

OMG i did not even recognize Syd... amazing and BREE, Holy cow..... OMG and that is tiny ZOE.... SH¡)(¡)) where has time gone

Sharlene said...

Your kids are getting s big! I can understand why we never hear from you. Girl you a busy!

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