

Stalked by the Stork...a diary of raising twelve kids

Having twelve children is an amazing blessing and one heck of a crazy ride. Join us through all the joys, smiles, tribulations and trials as we navigate this fabulous journey!

Thursday, December 25, 2008

Merry Christmas!

Just wanted to pop on real quick to wish everyone a very Merry Christmas. We are enjoying our day and loving being together with nowhere to go! Everyone is toasty warm in the house playing with Christmas toys and Christmas dinner is cooking on the stove. We are going to eat late, when the babies go to bed so that we can enjoy our older five children and do a bible study without the constant distractions of babies. Don't worry we made smaller portions of Christmas dinner early for the babies so that they won't miss out on the good fixins!
Christmas morning was wonderful. I love watching the kids be so excited about their gifts and about what Santa brought them. However, we've made an executive decision to change things around a little next year. Next year, after the kids run downstairs and see what Santa brought and have their time to be excited about that, we are going to hold off a couple hours on opening the wrapped gifts under the tree (usually this occurs right away). We are going to do bible study first and then open gifts. The reason is that once gifts are open its really tough to get the kids to stop playing with everything and focus on more important things.
The babies were a bit overwhelmed. This is the first Christmas the twins are able to really open their own gifts and be excited about them. I realized that we should have probably limited them to only a couple things as they wear out pretty quickly and would much rather play with the first thing you give them without it being taken away and put aside in order to open something else. Less is more for thier age group I guess.
Well, I hear Bree crying in the background...looking for Mommy's milk.
We are sending out lots of love and wishing you all a very blessed and happy CHRISTmas and hoping that everyone takes time out to remember the reason for the season today.
and P.S. if you haven't received your Christmas card from us yet...fear not...we haven't sent them yet, because we just now ordered them...long story..anyway, they will almsot certainally be New Year's cards...but alas they will arrive!


Christy said...

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to you and your wonderful family!

Mama Denny said...

I found your site thru the Bouffard's and love reading about other big families like mine ! Many blessings and congrats on your newest arrival ! Although I don't know much about your son's disease or disorder - I will keep him in my prayers - are any of your other children sick like him? I pray for sanity and patience for you - you have your plate full ! Blessings on your day !

* TONYA * said...

I'm so glad you had a wonderful Christmas with the kiddo's. Big hugs to all of you.

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