Guess what this is????
0201,0205 5001,530101 4,6
02RV 0701 01ZDV
That jumble of numbers is Brandons NORMAL HLA tissue type!!! All of his markers are indeed present and accounted for. This means there is absolutely no reason we cannot have a baby who is a sibling match for him. We just haven't rolled the dice on the right number yet.
We got the results yesterday at clinic. We were there for Drew this time (remember he has chronic ITP). His platelets were low and so he needed his infusion of IVIG. This takes forever. Seriously we left our house at 8:30 in the morning and pulled back in the driveway at 8:30 at night. The infusion itself takes about 6 hours maybe a little bit more..the rest of the time was spent driving, waiting on labs and waiting on the solution to get mixed and sent over to clinic. A very long day indeed. But good to have the results. So there will be a tenth Fontenot baby for sure. Not sure how we will acheive it, hopefully in vitro but the financing is the issue with that.
Either way, we are thinking that as long as Brandon stays healthy (which so far he is, praise God) we will probably wait until Bree is two and a half to three before we start again.
Here's something to giggle at...when Dr. Rob (whom we love) came out with the results in his hand he sits down and says...."Not sure if this is good news or bad news..." Very funny.
When we got home from clinic, I learned that three of our children had fevers. Yuck. Brandon, Emanuel, and Jackson were the afflicted children. In the middle of the night Jackson was up puking in the bathroom. Hopefully Bree does not catch thier virus and show up with a fever,or it will be an automatic hospitilazation for two to three days since she is under two months old. Speaking of Bree, she has her one month old checkup today. She has a diaper rash that won't go away despite layers of Desitin and other ointment so hopefully we can get that taken care of.
Drew is feeling okay so far since his platelet treatment. Hoping he wont be sick for Christmas as he sometimes doesn't feel well a few days after treatment.
We probably won't post again until Christamas...we hope everyone has a very Merry Christmas and a blessed New Year! Enjoy yourselves and being around those you love!
Stalked by the Stork...a diary of raising twelve kids

Tuesday, December 23, 2008
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Praise God! That is great news. I guess we better start praying number 10 is the magic number! Merry Christmas Ang!
What a great Christmas gift!!
You guys handle this so amazingly, your family is truely an inspiration.
Thank God his numbers are all there! Praise Him!
We need to get working on a fundraiser soon, so that you can raise the money long before you are ready for number 10 (just let me know when you want to start and i will help any way I can)
Much love to you all and have a very very blessed HEALTHY holiday!
Great news! Move over Dugger family....
I'm here praying right now!
Isaiah 40:31 But they that wait upon the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint.
Prayer Bears
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That is such great news Ang. I truly pray that you get a match.
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