

Stalked by the Stork...a diary of raising twelve kids

Having twelve children is an amazing blessing and one heck of a crazy ride. Join us through all the joys, smiles, tribulations and trials as we navigate this fabulous journey!

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Here are pics of our family trip to the apple orchard for the twins 2nd birthday. If you look down at the picture of them eating thier frosted brownie you'll see that one twin has no brownies and one twin has two! did that happen! Sorry it took so long to get these updated! Enjoy!


The Rhoderick Family said...

What a crew!!! Looks like a ton of fun was had by all!!! thanks for your "not me" story by the way!!! Love ya, kari

Lynn said...

Oh these are great pics!

Brandi said...

Love all the pics Ang! The kidders are getting so big!

Sharlene said...

They are too cute.

cc said...

Great pics! The twins look so grown up! They are just too adorable... along with the rest of your crew! That farm looks like lots of fun!

* TONYA * said...

OMG Ang, what a fun day.

Tabbatha Rose said...

Great pictures Ang!! Missing you!!

BoufMom9 said...

GREAT pics of all of the kids! WOW! LOVE the curls on Mr I! ADORABLE!!!!

Nana said...

OK Princess,
I emailed the front page of your blog and sent it to your dad. So you'll know, he was so happy to see the pictures. He is amazed at how much they've grown. I know exactly what you are thinking, but just know he loves all of you. But enought about him - let's talk about ME!! I can't wait until I get to be with all of you at Thanksgiving - can I name #9 since no one really has a preference?
Love you!!

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