

Stalked by the Stork...a diary of raising twelve kids

Having twelve children is an amazing blessing and one heck of a crazy ride. Join us through all the joys, smiles, tribulations and trials as we navigate this fabulous journey!

Monday, September 15, 2008

Brandon is feeling better!

Brandon is feeling so much better today! Truthfully, the only reason he was home from school today is that you are not supposed to send your kid back to school unless he has been fever free for 24 hours and as of yesterday he did still have fevers. But, cross your fingers- so far totally normal today. He says his throat still hurts a bit which is fine becuase Dr. Rob already noted the sore throat and redness at clinic Friday. Hopefully tomorrow he will be back in class.
So Brice just came off the bus and apparently had another day of problems with self control on the bus. Apparently he's now been hitting his friends on the bus. Daddy will be home shortly to speak with him about it!
Today has been a really lazy day around here. I have 5000 chores to do and haven't gotten to any of them. That means that none will probably get done until tomorrow as now homework, dinner, showers ect will consume the rest of our evening. The only exception will be laundry. Laundry must be done. Albert has a job interview for a second income job later on...hopefully that will go well. Last night, Albert made us a big bowl of chilli and the kids and I loved it. Truthfully it was the best chilli I've had in ages, much better than when I cook we know who will be the chilli-cooker in the house from now on! The boys all woke up asking if it could be tonights dinner as well (I'm happy to oblige on that !)
This evening I am also going to set out our scarecrow's that we bought last year to decorate the yard for fall. I don't know why I'm so excited to put them out- maybe becuase it signals fall time to me and this will be the third fall in which we are having a baby, so I've come to associate fall and all things fall-like with pregnancy and childbirth and those wonderfully warm, sweet memoires of the end of pregnancy. Ahhhh, but this will be the last....hopefully.


bestfamily said...

Glad Brandon is feeling better. I am hoping ya get some resolutions with Brice soon. I can only imagine how aggravating it is for you guys. Yummo on the chili...and wanna email me a bowl?!

The Rhoderick Family said...

So glad that Brandon is feeling better. Hopefully daddy can get Brice to act right on the bus, otherwise it looks like momma might have ANOTHER chore to do...taking and picking up Brice from school. I can't wait to see your yard looking all fallish! I am excited for Fall too!

Lynn said...

So glad Brandon's feeling better!

CC said...

Glad Brandon is feeling better! yummmm... chili sounds so good right now....

The Romero-Schroeder said...

So good to hear that Brandon is feeling better!

* TONYA * said...

So glad that Brandon is feeling better.

How did the interview go?

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