

Stalked by the Stork...a diary of raising twelve kids

Having twelve children is an amazing blessing and one heck of a crazy ride. Join us through all the joys, smiles, tribulations and trials as we navigate this fabulous journey!

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Our trip to the bowling alley...

On Sunday after church we took our kids bowling. Bowling is always such an adventure for all of us. Espicially with Brice who tries to dribble his bowling bowl. The kids had received an offer that came home from school with them on the last day that gave each kid 2 free games of bowling every single day for the whole summer! Crazy, huh? So Albert registered all the kids and us at the bowling alley and we printed off our cupons and off we went.We had a great time. Even Brice. Brice had developed some type of crazy dance he did each time he knocked over any pins. He was entertainment enough for me even without bowling. The twins were the only ones who didn't have much fun as they were strapped in the stroller.
After bowling, we brought the kids home and I stayed with the five little ones while they played in the living room and Albert took the older four boys to the town pool. It was a busy day and we all were exhausted at the end of it. Also, the evening went out with a bang when Albert set his grill on fire. I think the grill is okay but what a mess- Albert had to pour flour over the fire to put it out and so now he has a big cleaning job to do before he can use the grill agian. I tell you, its never boring around here...


BoufMom9 said...

LOL! We have set our grill on fire more times than I can count. UGH! What a mess to clean! Have fun Albert. LOL

Glad you had a good time bowling!

Sharlene said...

Brice is going to have his own sitcom one day. I love all the Brice stories.

TONYA said...

dribbling a bowling ball, oiy, that boy of yours LOL.

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