

Stalked by the Stork...a diary of raising twelve kids

Having twelve children is an amazing blessing and one heck of a crazy ride. Join us through all the joys, smiles, tribulations and trials as we navigate this fabulous journey!

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Summer Update!

Okay, so still no computer, but I am borrowing a friends laptop for just a few minutes while she takes a break from her school work.
Summer is going wonderfully so far. Drew and Brandon are at Camp Rainbow right now which is a five day sleep over camp for kids with cancer or blood diseases. They go each year in June and absolutely love it. They have a blast. We dropped them off on Sunday and got to make up their bunks in their cabins and lay out all their stuff. I miss them but I know they are having a great time.
Unfortunatley on the way home from dropping them off we came across an accident that had just happened on the street next to our neighborhood. A car had gone thru the gardrail and crashed upside down in the lake. We waited (as we were stuck) and Albert got out and tried to help but the police weren't allowing anyone else in the water to try to assist. Sadly, the man wasn't found. They next day his body was recovered. Very sad.
Albert is working summer school. It runs each day from 8-1. Then I have classes myself from 3-6 or 3-9 depending on the day. So we are busy.
We have started a summer schedule that has made life so much easier now that school is out and all 8 kids are here all day. We have a specific time for everything. We have a wake up time, three or four clean up times throughout the day, free times, activity times, specific meal times and bedtimes. It has made quite a difference and the best part is that the kids actually have more free time instead of less free time. Clean up is also much easier because it is being done throughout the day. So at night time, it only takes 20 minutes to pick up the kitchen (including dishes) because we've done little 20 minute pick-ups twice before that day. This is a tip I got from the Duggar family know, the family in Arkansas with 16 or 17 kids. They have lots of good info on their site. I wish I could remember the address but I'm sure you could google it.
Here is our good news...I got accepted into the accelerated nursing program at Barnes Hospital.
I already have a bachelor's degree in another field so it will only take me a year once I start. Right now, I am doing the four pre-req's that I need in order to start the program. I am eligible to start in January but I think I'm going to delay until the May session due to the new baby. I hate leaving Sydney now just for summer school so I don't know how I'd leave a newborn all day.
The kids have been spending the summer swimming and playing outside. It's been so nice. Last night we took the kids swimming when I got off of school. Albert had picked up his nephew and we took him with us. The kids had a blast playing with their cousin.
That's about all the news I can think of. Not sure when I'll get back to update again. I still don't know when we'll have internet service. We're thinking of buying a laptop with our stimulus check since I'm back in school but I don't know..there are so many bills that we should pay as well and my school tuition and books are eating up 2/3rds of our check.
I'll try to update as much as I can. I wish I could post the pics of the kids playing in the pool but alas, its not my computer.
Hope everyone is having a great summer vacation!


TONYA said...

Wow that is one fabulous schedule you have for the kids over the summer.

Hope the boys are having a wonderful time at camp.

Good luck with your schooling hon. I know you'll do just great.

We miss you.

Christy said...

CONGRATS on being accepted into the nursing program! WAY TO GO! I'm so happy that you have a schedule now and your life is easier... I may have to go to that website and get one of my own! I'm going crazy now that school is out and it's only been a few days!

BoufMom9 said...

Congrats Ang! How exciting! It won't be long before you are a midwife!!!!

Good for you getting the whole house on a schedule! It helps so much! I must admit though that I tend to fall off the schedule in the summer & back on in the fall. LOL

I do have a big YIPPEE!!!!
I'll be calling you soon. ;)

lisa said...

Congrats on the nursing program. That's wonderful! Great idea about the schedule. I've watched the Duggars and think they're an amazing family.

Loved the update and hope to have you back on the board soon. You're very missed!


bestfamily said...

WTG! Ang I am so happy that you got accepted into the nursing program! That is awesome news. Sounds like the kids are going to have a wonderful summer and don't let the heat get to you!

Lynn said...

THANKS FOR THE UPDATE! I didn't know about the computer and was getting nervous not seeing updates!
And of COURSE you're going to add going to college along with taking care of all your kids while you're pg...
Lifting you up in prayer right now!
Philippians 4:13 I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me.

The Romero-Schroeder said...

So great to hear from you!!! good luck with school

CC said...

Congrats on getting accepted into a nursing program! I think that is fantastic! Need any help, give me a yell... I would be more than happy to help ya anyway I could!

Debbie Moore said...

That is so great you are going to be going to school, good for you!!

Sounds like a great summer for your family.

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