

Stalked by the Stork...a diary of raising twelve kids

Having twelve children is an amazing blessing and one heck of a crazy ride. Join us through all the joys, smiles, tribulations and trials as we navigate this fabulous journey!

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Brandon's day out with Mommy and Daddy and Raja's checkup with the vet

Yesterday was the day Raja was supposed to get the drain removed from her leg. Albert made an appointment for her at 4:45 yesterday evening and together we took her up to the Mascoutah Animal Clinic. We actually met a really cool couple who worked at the airport next to our house and can get us really good deals on vacations to vegas or Florida so it was a really good thing that we both went. Unfortuantely however, when the vet looked at Raja's leg, she said it was too swollen to remove the drain just yet. We'll take her again tomorrow. I tell you I'm getting tired of this dog. I felt bad for her though because I knew she was scared. She was also limping and in discomfort and I know she'd feel better if she could get rid of the big piece of plastic sticking out of her leg at two ends.
So, after the appointment, we ran back by the house (2 minutes away) to drop Raja off and pick up Sydney so we could run other errands. During the switching out process, Brandon jumped in the car. As I had told other kids they couldn't come I didn't think it would be fair to allow Brandon to come so I told him to go back in the house with his brothers. After much commotion and the usual flurry of Albert running back in the house 57 times for this and that, all the while complaining that "we need to go!" we were finally off. A few miles down the road I heard a noise from the backseat. I turned around and there was Brandon sporting a big, devilish grin.
"HA HA HA!" he exclaimed.
So, the stowaway was with us for the evening as we ran errands and we even took him out to eat by himself. Mom, before you freak, we had tons of leftovers from cinco de mayo. Good leftovers. Fajita leftovers. So the other kids were fine.
Brandon was thrilled with his special time alone with mom and dad. Well, Sydney was there too but she doesn't count. In interesting news when we got to the resteraunt (Applebees) as Albert was walking to the restroom he overheard our server saying she didn't really want our table (she was a highschool kid). So when he came out he asked another server if she could take our table instead. He told her he had overheard server #1 and thus didn't want her to wait on us since she obviously didn't want to do it. Server #2 turned out to be wonderful so I'm glad it turned out that way. Server #1 was apparently stressed about finals at school and was wanting to go home (although she took at least two tables after us that we saw). Too bad...Albert tips really good.
When we got home, I put Sydney to bed and talked with the other kids who were already in bed for a few minutes. Then Albert fed the snake and we got in bed. Just as I rolled over to drift off to sleep, Brandon lept out from under my bed (on my side of course) yelling "Rahhhhhh" much like a monster. I probably jumped six feet off the bed and screamed. Brandon laughed. Albert laughed. I said a few words that wouldn't be appropriate to repeat on the blog. That kid kills me. I'm glad we got the special time with him that we did last night. Manny had benefited on the night that Raja got hit by the car and got to spend lots of quality time too (as we had to occupy ourselves for 5 or 6 hours before they were done with her). Now it will be Drew or Jackson's turn next....


The Romero-Schroeder said...

WTF with that waiter????? hope Raja thing get out tomorrow! BRANDON you clever boy!!! jajaj

BoufMom9 said...

UGH! That waiter makes me mad! (I would've even tipped better than normal just to be an ass. LOL)
Sneaky sneaky Brandon!

Lynn said...

But now they're all going to try sneaking into the van any time you try going somewhere alone...

TONYA said...

Brandon is such a sneaky little boy isn't he.

That waiter can bite me, as you left you should've said something to her or made a comment in passing about what a big tip you were leaving your waiter.

Jenn H said...

Hope Raja has her drain out by now, crazy dog! Brandon is hilarious, glad you got some extra time with him. Glad you ended up with a great waiter, much better than being stuck with some whiny highschool girl who's biggest problem is studying for finals, WAAAHHH!!

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