

Stalked by the Stork...a diary of raising twelve kids

Having twelve children is an amazing blessing and one heck of a crazy ride. Join us through all the joys, smiles, tribulations and trials as we navigate this fabulous journey!

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Prayers For Our Friend Jamie and Jesse

Okay everyone, this is an important request. Our friend Jamie Straka is dealing with some new issues with Aplastic Anemia. As most of you know, Aplastic Anemia is the same bone marrow disease that Brandon has. Jamie and Brandon got sick around the same time..well, sort of around the same time. Anyhow, Jamie was fortunate that BOTH of his siblings were an HLA tissue match. His brother Jesse became his donor and Jamie received a bone marrow transplant. All and all, in spite of a few setbacks, he's progressed beautifully and it looked like Aplastic Anemia was definately behind him for good.
Unfortunately however, in recent months, his doctors have noticed a slide in his platelet count. On April 9th, a bone marrow biopsy and aspiration confirmed that his marrow is indeed loosing cellularity and is not as full as it should be. Does this mean a recurrance of Aplastic Anemia? We all hope not. But no one knows for sure. It is hoped that it is due to the walking pnemonia he contracted a few months back and perhaps his body just has not been able to recover.
At any rate, it has been decided that a stem cell boost will be necessary. Thankfully, Jamie will not have to undergo chemo in preperation for it as he did his initial marrow transplant but the downside is that the proceedure will be exactly the same for little Jesse. The harvesting process isn't so pleasant and the Straka family is not looking forward to Jesse undergoing it again. Please pray for this family and espicially for these two brave boys. Please pray that Jesse's cells can once agian provide new hope for Jamie and that Jamie will be rid of this aweful disease forever. Jamie's website is linked here on our links' list under "Our Friend Jamie's Aplastic Anemia Journey" Please take a few minutes to visit them and post your prayers and happy thoughts. Thank you so much.


BoufMom9 said...

oh Ang! How heartbreaking! I did not realize that could happen after the transplant. How sad! I will be praying for their family and will add both children to my prayer list on my blog.

TheHMC said...

I will definitely be thinking of them.

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