

Stalked by the Stork...a diary of raising twelve kids

Having twelve children is an amazing blessing and one heck of a crazy ride. Join us through all the joys, smiles, tribulations and trials as we navigate this fabulous journey!

Monday, April 14, 2008

A couple of pics of Sydney's blessing

Here are just three pictures of Syd at her blessing. So far I only have my camera pics downloaded to laptop and I didn't get many pictures as I was busy. Al's Dad's camera has wayyyyy better shots but those are uploaded to a different computer right now so this week I'll try to get them moved here too so I can post more but in the meantime I wanted to put these up. The first one is Albert and I with Sydney. The second is Albert's dad and Aunt Dorothy and the last one is my Mom and my nephew Cam.


TONYA said...

OMG I had no idea you were having Sydney's blessing. How did it all go .. although I may just find the answer if I get to another post :).

Wow, your mum looks so young.

I miss you.

bestfamily said...

Her dress is gorgeous Ang! And you looked very pretty also.

Jenn H said...

She looks so big already and she is gorgeous just like everyone of your kids (and their mommy and daddy)!

The Corradetti Clan said...

Sydney is so gorgoues. I cant wait to see the other pictures.

Bre said...

LOVE love Sydney's dressy dress!!! Congratulations on the new little one too!! I don't know how you do it Momma!! :o)

Lynn said...

Albert coulda smiled! Sydney is so adorable!!!!!!!!!!!!

BoufMom9 said...

What a GORGEOUS little girlie!
Beautiful dress too! (you aren't looking too shabby either momma!)
So glad I can now put a face to your mom. Yep, i see that same twinkle in her eyes. just as I suspected. ;)

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