Well, here it is only half way through March and we have already had our second emergency call of the year. If you aren't aware of the first one, you can find it under the January posts. Here's the scoop on this one.
As many of you know, Drew's platelets have been running pretty low lately, though not low enough to cause panic or even to get treatment. The norm for a platelet count is roughly between 150,000 and 350,000. He has been running around 50,000 (last Tuesday) and 60,000 (last Thursday). So he's farily low.
Anyhow, Brandon has a science project due tomorrow in which his class will be dropping eggs off of a tall ladder. Each second grader has a zip lock baggie that they are supposed to pacck with something that they think might prevent thier egg from breaking when dropped. We experimented with a few things last night like wrapping an egg in a couple of diapers (didn't work) and then it occured to Albert to go out to the garage and cut some stuffing out of an old couch we have shoved out there. So he said the fateful words "Drew, could you go out to the garage and cut a peice of foam out of the old couch cushions?" Drew happily went about doing it and brought back a good sized chunk of foam.
"Great, Son, can you run out and cut one more piece?" Albert then asked. As I was standing at the washing machine switching clothes over, I heard Drew begin to say "Ow..owww....owwww" I looked out into the garage and saw blood gushing from his legs. He had cut himself. I yelled for Albert to come out and take a look while Drew stumbled back in the house and down the hallway back to the kitchen (yes, leaving a trail of blood behind him). It was quite scary as blood was flowing out in sheets down his legs. His socks were soaked completely through and blood was pooling around the floor. Albert helped him lie down and elevated the leg and put a dry cloth against it to try to stop the bleeding. I called 911 but only after a search for the phone (which is almost never on the charger where it should be). The ambulance came pretty quickly and when the bleeding stopped we could see that it was pretty deep and would need stitches. Since the bleeding had stopped and he was stable they gave us the option of transporting him ourselves or letting them take him in the ambulance. Since he was stable we decided Albert could drive him. We wanted to take him to St. John's which is where our hematologists are and is the hospital we like and trust but unfortunately as they got on the road, Drew started bleeding again and soaked through the wrap the paramedics had placed on his leg, so Al decided to take him to the closest hospital which is St. Elizabeth's. I called Dr. Bob who at first had said to come all the way to St. Johns until he heard that the laceration was from a knife and then he agreed that we should take him to the closest place.
Closest and best are two different things though and when they arrived at St. Elizabeth's they were stuck in the waiting room. Even though Drew was continuing to bleed all over the ER floor. Albert explained that Drew had low platelets and they told him that basically they'd like to help but there was no where for them to put Drew because they were full. A nurse came out and privately told Albert that if it were her, she would go to another hospital. They don't even have a pediatric dr. at that hospital. That nurse re-wrapped his leg agian and Albert took him to St. John's. The leg did continue to bleed but not as much. St. John's saw him right away and also did a CBC which revealed his platelet count was down to 17,000. Now he was low enough to treat. Wether he had dropped from 60,000 to 17,000 because it happened on its own (which is entirely possible) or because he bled out his platelets as a result of the injury or a combination of both, we have no idea. They were going to go ahead and admit him so he could have his treatment overnight (it takes several hours) instead of us going home and comming back to Dr. Bob's office (located at the hospital) the next morning. It's an hour drive each way and Albert didn't want to make two trips unnecessarily. Unfortunately, the hospital was out of IVIG which is his treatment. Dr. Bob/Dr.Rob keep their own supply at clinic in thier office they did end up discharging him at around 2:00a.m and they came home and then I drove him back this morning at around 8:30. His treatment lasted all day and we got home at about 5:30.
So now the platelet issue is resloved as the IVIG works almost instantly. Now the issue is the wound. It was quite red, swollen and painful at clinic and Dr. Rob said if it got any worse he'd want to start him on antibiotics. He is having trouble walking and we're going to get him some crutches I think. This evening he complained of numbness extending all down the center of his shin which is not where the injury is. The cut is below and to the left of his knee. Sort of on the fatty part of your lower leg in the middle between your calf and your shin. So, Dr. Rob thinks maybe he injured a nerve. If so, hopefully it will heal he said. If the numbness extends we have to bring him back. So, thats the drama here for the night! Needless to say, Drew will not be asked to cut anything for quite some time. I'll even cut up his steak at dinner!
Stalked by the Stork...a diary of raising twelve kids

Monday, March 17, 2008
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Oh my word how scary! Glad he got his treatment today and we'll be praying that there is no permament nerve damage to his leg and it doesn't get infected!
OMG honey poor Drew. Please let us know how he's doing tomorrow. Give him a big hug from me.
Oh and the 3 little puddin's look so cute in the St. Patricks day gear and I love the shot with Al too :)
OMG how scary! Glad he is doing better now...and here's hoping there will be no more emergency calls!!
Oh my Ang! I can't believe that. I hope that the numbness goes away and that everything heals properly and quickly! Keep us updated!
How Scary!! Glad to hear that he is doing better with both the wound and his levels!! Hope the nerves were not damaged!!
OH.MY.GOD! Where was I yesterday that I didn't see this??? HOLY!
I'm glad he seems "ok". Praying for him that the nerve heals.
UGH! Poor Drew!
OMG, that must have been so scary, hope he is feeling better!
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