

Stalked by the Stork...a diary of raising twelve kids

Having twelve children is an amazing blessing and one heck of a crazy ride. Join us through all the joys, smiles, tribulations and trials as we navigate this fabulous journey!

Monday, March 24, 2008

Easter Sunday and the name game

Easter here was wonderful. We spent the whole day being very lazy. We had an egg hunt with the boys. It was cold outside and had in fact snowed so we held our annual egg hunt inside the living room. You can see some of the footage on our Easter video. We made a big pot of speghetti with salad and cheesy garlic bread. We also ate loads of Easter candy and took a long nap. The kids played with thier new gadgets and books. It was really a nice, quiet day we all spent together. Of course the whole day, we kept smiling and talking about our news. The kids keep wanting to make lists of names, which incidentally is my favorite activity when planning for a new baby. Naming Sydney was one of the most intimate, amazing and unifying experiences we've ever had as a family and because it was so special to us, we are planning to go about this baby's name the same way. No definate names will be picked. We will make a running list throughout the 9 months with everyone adding and veto-ing as we go. Then shortly before little one is due, we will all sit in the dinning room together (the exact way we did on the morning of Sydney's birth) and assign a "value system" to each name. Names that fall below a certain cut-off are deleted leaving those contenders that received the most points from the family. Then each member will select their final pick and when the baby is born we'll see which name fits him/her the best. That's how we did Sydney and we loved it so much we decided then that all future babies would be named the same way. So far, Emanuel is already campaigning for Brett for a boy's name (you know he loves Brett Farve) I am willing to add it to the list. Albert would be willing if the right middle name were suggested with it.


Jenn H said...

What a great way to find a name/or at least narrow it down for the new baby. Glad you had such a wonderful and relaxing Easter.

BoufMom9 said...

Sounds like a lovely relaxing day. :)
Russ will LOVE it if it's a boy named Brett. LOL
ps Call me when you can. I have been trying to reach you & I need to talk to you about something.

The Romero-Schroeder said...

UHHH i want in on the name game!!!!! like MIA for a girl, and Joshua for a boy!

TONYA said...

I love that you say 'all our future babies'.

Shannon said...

What a great idea to include everyone in the process of naming the new baby!

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