

Stalked by the Stork...a diary of raising twelve kids

Having twelve children is an amazing blessing and one heck of a crazy ride. Join us through all the joys, smiles, tribulations and trials as we navigate this fabulous journey!

Thursday, February 21, 2008

winter storms and a visit from Shannon

Today we woke up to winter weather..but not the typical snow. Instead it was ice and sleet. The roads were terrible and people were having accidents all over the place. Albert called into work to tell them he'd be a little late and they told him that all the teachers living in IL had already called off and not to worry about comming in as school was probably going to be dismissed early anyhow. I promise the only freaking districts that were in session were Albert's and the kids. The boys were dismissed by lunchtime and came home.
Also today, my friend Shannon from my twins group came to spend the day with me. She has a little boy named Ethan who is 4 and then twins that are 16 months old (same as ours) and she is expecting a girl in May. We had quite a nice time talking and reading posts from our twins group. Her twins (Aidan and Issac) sleep just as much as Isaiah and Alexandria do, so we actually did have enough time to chat and hang out, though Brice and Ethan never did take their naps as they were just having too much fun.
Now, Albert and I are watching movies together and I'm looking forward to a sound sleep! Hopefully we will wake up tomorrow and discover that there is no school and our weekend will begin on a great note! Although I wouldn't put it past either St. Louis city or Mascoutah to keep school in session despite the conditions.


Jenn H said...

Hoping for no school tomorrow :) Glad you and Shannon got to visit and I want to know what you were doing that was never guessed.

BoufMom9 said...

Hmmmmmmmm, no pictures????? Surely you took a picture?!?
Will call you tomorrow as I have the funeral to attend with David in the morning.

Lynn said...

Glad you got share some special time with a friend! Sounds like fun!

Randy, Tonya, Jayden, Marisol & Flynn said...

Pictures???? That's funny I don't seem to see any no matter how hard I look. I must be mistaken b/c there is a cardinal rule in the twins group that all get togethers must have photographs taken. Do I need to send you a new copy of the rule book missy?

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