

Stalked by the Stork...a diary of raising twelve kids

Having twelve children is an amazing blessing and one heck of a crazy ride. Join us through all the joys, smiles, tribulations and trials as we navigate this fabulous journey!

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Locked outside in the snow!

This afternoon, as I was trying to work with Zoe on house training, I noticed that she seemed to be sniffing out a spot to use the bathroom. I quickly threw on some shoes and darted outside with the puppy and set her down. Sure enough she successfully pottied outside and I grabbed her up and praised her. It was snowing out and definatly was chilly out and when I got to the door to come back in, I noticed that the knob wouldn't twist. Why, do you ask, wouldn't it twist??? I was wondering that myself when Brice's face appeared in the window portion of the door and gleefully exclaimed "Ficey lock door!"
I thought my heart might stop cold in my chest! I put on a nice fake smile (so he wouldn't think he was in trouble) and said in my sweetest voice "Brice, let Mommy back in. Please" Fortunately, he immediately unlocked the door. Thank Goodness. Sydney and the twins were inside too.
In other Brice news...we had an appointment this evening at what I thought was 4:30. Our insurance company was sending a nurse out to draw some blood and do a few tests and some paperwork for the insurance policies we are taking out. So, at about ten till four, I ran upstairs to shower and wouldn't you know it...we were wrong about the appointment time and it was really 4:00. Lovely. Albert was still not home and I was in the shower. That left my kids to entertain Nurse Betsey. Of course the kids came banging on the bathroom door yelling things like "She's here!" and "Mom...Company!!!"
I scrambled down the steps and discovered.....Brice had apparenltly not been pleased by Nurse Betsey's arrival and had uttered a few choice words at her. The words he chose are so bad, that I can't even repeat them here for fear that blogger will kick us out of their site but let it suffice to say that we've had yet another long talk with him regarding his frequent use of foul language.
I think last time I posted I said that Brandon was sick. He remained sick throught the weekend, but Dr. Bob said we could keep him home unless he worsened. Otherwise we could wait till Monday. So,yesterday we went to clinic and Dr.Rob took a look at him. He was already feeling better so we just grabbed a round of counts and did the usual Pentamidine that we were due for. Counts still looked good despite his being sick. Platelets were 167K, ANC was thru the roof at over 7,ooo due to his illness and hemaglobin was 12 so we were of course really pleased. His CRP (the count that measures the level of infection in the body) was eleveated at 8.5 (normal is less than 0.5) but Dr. Rob felt that it probably had been higher than that and was on the way back down. So, all in all, a good day.
The great news is that we got the green light to start the weaning down of cyclosporine next week. So right now he is on 300 mg's per day of cyclosporine. That is given in two doses- 150 in the morning and 150 in the evening. The first step of the taper schedule will be to drop him to 125 in the morning and keep the 150 at night. We'll do that for 1 month, then go to 125 in the morning and 125 at night. After a month of that we'll go to 100 in the morning and 125 at get the pattern... (Mom, if the pattern is confusing you, call me and I'll explain better...Katie...just don't worry about it...just kidding....really, I'm kidding)
Okay, I'm going to try to make a Zoe video. I'll post it as soon as its ready.


BoufMom9 said...

It's so wrong of me that I'm laughing at you locked outside, isn't it? LOL (I have been there! Teddy was my culprit many moons ago. LOL)
Glad to hear that Bradon is feeling better & that you were given the go ahead. I'll be praying for him.
ps I will call you from the road tomorrow.

Jenn H said...

Glad Brandon is feeling better and his bloodwork came back looking good. Will be praying throughout the weaning process! Brice is beyond a character, lol!

Lynn said...

Am thinking you should wear a key around your neck from now on, huh? Am so glad he let you right back in! That could have been horrible!

Nana said...

Oh Ang, my sweet little mathmatician. I had to read it more than once, but I got the pattern, thank you. Now here's one for you. What is 9 + 14. Might be a little hard for you - while you are adding you'll find that you have run out of fingers and toes! But just call me, I'll explain.

Love you so much!

albert & angela fontenot said...

love you,
p.s. when I ran out of fingers and toes, I counted the kids. Ha...we have exactly 100 fingers and 100 toes in our family to count on! MATH ROCKS!

Nana said...

Why couldn't math have ROCKED when you were in high school??

I love you so much, and will talk with you later.


Gledwood said...

Bloody hell... did you tell the kid afterwards what a good job he'd done?

Be careful talking about it behind his back bc you know what kids are like he WILL eventually HEAR!!


TONYA said...

Oh my that Brice is such a cheeky little character isn't he. Oh he's going to be trouble as he gets older, but I can't wait to hear all the stories of his antics.

The Romero-Schroeder said...

BRICE, i love that kid, LMAO, sorry! Glad that Brandon is better

The Collins Family said...

So glad Brandons counts were good and that little Brice Oh My! Has Ficey been picking up some language from Debi?!

albert & angela fontenot said...

That is hilarious! But no...unfortunately, I can't blame Debi...I must confess that I have a potty mouth myself (though I didn't say THAT particular still unsure where he got it)I think that Ficey is just one of THOSE kids. I keep waiting for him to grow out of it..but no..I think this is just his personality!

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